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Tech Forum 2024 Agenda Overview

Get ready for an unforgettable experience in sunny Brisbane! After

six long years, the 12d Tech Forum returns to BCEC in 2024.

The Tech Forum 2024 offers a fantastic opportunity for engaging

in educational sessions, fostering valuable connections, and

strengthening the community. Begin your preparations for the

12d Tech Forum 2024 in Brisbane, Australia.

Click to View the Agenda**



**Please note: While all care has been taken to ensure this Agenda is as accurate as possible, some changes may still occur as our many presenters finalise their schedules and talks.

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Where Infrastructure's Finest Minds Gather to Learn

The 12d Tech Forum serves as the top destination for 12d Model and 12d Synergy customers and partners to gain knowledge to become a part of the community. In addition to this, the forum is also attended by industry leaders and enthusiasts. Tech Forum is where the infrastructure’s finest minds come to learn, and it aims to fuel creativity, offer practical expertise, and facilitate connections that drive an inclusive future.

Begin your preparations for the 12d Tech Forum 2024 in Brisbane, Australia.

Exploring the Tech Forum 2024 Draft Agenda

**Please note: While all care has been taken to ensure this Draft Agenda is as accurate as possible, with the event still being 2 months away, some changes may still occur as our many presenters finalise their schedules and talks.